
Starting Inktober 2018

I must admit, I haven’t been drawing consistently lately. I get my days where I am super motivated (mostly while I am at the day job) but a lot of weekdays I am mentally exhausted. That’s all going to change, since it is now Inktober! For those of you who don’t know about Inktober, it is when you draw everyday for the month of October.

I did pretty well for last year’s Inktober, but I did skip a few days during it. The theme was “couples”, and I very much enjoyed drawing so many cutesy fanart drawings.  Half-way through, I burned out and felt like I couldn’t continue. I have my friends to thank since they told me to keep going. When I had a day off, I drew several pictures making up for the days my brain shut down. I could have easily said “forget it”, but I kept going anyway, and I’m glad I did. No thoughts like “you’re a failure” popped in my head. I felt a sense of accomplishment 

This year my theme is Positivity and Motivation. There are times I doubt myself and my abilities, and I know a ton of others feeling the same way. I want to send positive vibes to everyone!

So here it is, day one for Inktober: JUST DO IT! Sometimes no matter how unmotivated you feel, you can surprise yourself when you grab yourself a cup of tea/coffee sit at your workspace and just start. I just started without worrying about making this perfect. The perspective might be off slightly and a lot of inking mistakes, but I just kept going. When I don’t worry about the details, I somehow draw more details (makes sense, right?). 

Hope all you other artists out there get drawing, at least for this month. Don’t overthink, JUST DO IT! 

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